Elephant and Castle demonstration against Development

London Anarchist Communists will be supporting the demonstration on Tuesday January 16th in South London.

Elephant is a Castle: NO to the Planning Application!

4pm - Assemble outside LCC, Elephant and Castle for speeches 
4.30pm set off for Tooley Street 
5.30pm Arrive at Southwark Council Office, Tooley Street
6pm Planning Comittee meeting commences


Protest marching from Elephant & Castle to Southwark Council Planning Committee to oppose Delancey's destructive plans.

E&C is home to Walworth residents, traders, the Latin American community and LCC students. This community is under threat from the proposed Delancey development of hundreds of luxury apartments with only: 
- 3% of 'fake' social housing 
- 5% affordable retail units
- managed offshore with £154,000,000 projected profit. More info:https://goo.gl/ZCekDN

Say NO and STOP the application passing.

1. Join the protest
2. Object online http://35percent.org/uptheelephant/ and sign petition set up by the traders https://goo.gl/DB2fgp
3. Lobby your councillors
4. Share this page
